Wednesday 30 November saw the Appraisal Panel meeting for the second round of grant applications in this financial year. Ten applications were considered, two of which were not approved. Of the other eight all but three were awarded grants for the amount applied for. The total awarded was £8,187.98. There was an excellent turn out of Appraisal Panel members for this meeting which generated some searching examination of each application, generating lively discussion around the table.

Also attending was Gabriella Oakley who gave members an overview of the work of Community Works which has taken over the work of VAW on behalf of Worthing and Adur Councils.

In chairing the meeting Fred Weller updated members on the creation of the new Grants Committee. This is responsible to the Board of Trustees for grants awarded, their relevance to the Charity’s stated purpose and their value to the relationship of Worthing Community Chest with the wider Worthing community. It does not have any decision-making function on grant applications which remains the sole responsibility of the Appraisal Panel.

Fred also said farewell and a personal ‘thank you’ to Wilfred Rhodes of Goring United Reformed Church and Paul Baker of Chippingdale Cricket Club for whom this was the final Appraisal Panel meeting. Wilf and Paul have been core members for some time and have contributed the benefit of their considerable experience to the work of the Appraisal Panel. In doing so they have also a great help to the chair at each meeting they have attended.

Successful Applications

Worthing Town Football Club

£945 to purchase new footballs

Worthing Drama Company

£800 awarded to go towards rental costs

High Salvington Short Mat Bowls Club

£864 to purchase new mats


£1000 awarded to go towards rental costs

Cruse Bereavement Care

£1100 to help with printing costs

The Worthing Society

£778.98 to purchase IT equipment

Flipitas Gymnastics Club

£1200 awarded towards the purchase of equipment

Offington Counselling Service

£1500 to help with rental costs

Our Next Round of Funding is now Open!

Do you have an idea or project planned in 2017? Maybe Worthing Community Chest can help you?

If your group fits our criteria, your group’s application could be in our next round in February 2017.